On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 8:48 AM <crash-utility-request@redhat.com> wrote:

For upstream crash, and this is more a general thought,  what about ordering tests with most recent kernel changes being tested first:

Good question.

For example, in Lianbo's case, instead of:
-                   (STREQ(sp->name, "call_softirq") || STREQ(sp->name, "do_softirq_own_stack")))
What about reversing the order of the tests:
+                   (STREQ(sp->name, " do_softirq_own_stack") || STREQ(sp->name, " call_softirq")))

As distros tend to move fast forward, ordering tests with most recent kernel changes being tested first would make sense.

It's true. If this happens during the bootup and there are hundreds of symbols, it will benefit more. Otherwise the cumulative effect is small, the
impact is almost negligible.

But anyway, this still makes sense. Thank you for the discussion, Georges. 
