Helo, i have reviewed which is really fascinating.

The architecture i use :
crash> sys
      KERNEL: /boot/vmlinux-
    DUMPFILE: /dev/mem
        CPUS: 1
        DATE: Wed Mar 29 12:05:05 2006
      UPTIME: 04:33:58
LOAD AVERAGE: 0.05, 0.06, 0.02
       TASKS: 67
    NODENAME: portable.domain.com
     VERSION: #4 PREEMPT Tue Mar 21 14:34:11 CET 2006
     MACHINE: i686  (748 Mhz)
      MEMORY: 511.9 MB
A question : i could not find how to have a module withou [CONFIG_KALLSYMS] when
i do mod

I'm not sure I understand the question?

Some problems 
1)kmem -s and kmem -S 
crash> kmem -s
kmem: invalid structure member offset: kmem_cache_s_lists
      FILE: memory.c  LINE: 7671  FUNCTION: do_slab_chain_percpu_v2()
[./crash] error trace: 8099315 => 80a4d09 => 80a635d => 810cab0
  810cab0: OFFSET_verify+81
  80a635d: do_slab_chain_percpu_v2+103
  80a4d09: dump_kmem_cache_percpu_v2+1615
  8099315: cmd_kmem+3392
kmem: invalid structure member offset: kmem_cache_s_lists
      FILE: memory.c  LINE: 7671  FUNCTION: do_slab_chain_percpu_v2()

2) crash> kmem -i
              PAGES        TOTAL      PERCENTAGE
 TOTAL MEM   128778       503 MB         ----
      FREE    44244     172.8 MB   34% of TOTAL MEM
      USED    84534     330.2 MB   65% of TOTAL MEM
    SHARED    45690     178.5 MB   35% of TOTAL MEM
   BUFFERS     4371      17.1 MB    3% of TOTAL MEM
    CACHED    51358     200.6 MB   39% of TOTAL MEM
      SLAB        0            0    0% of TOTAL MEM
TOTAL HIGH        0            0    0% of TOTAL MEM
The command stops and SLAB is certainly not correct

See the prior messages on March 28th from Sharyathi Nagesh
in the mailing list; he is currently working on this.

3) net -s and net -S
crash> net -s
net: invalid structure member offset: files_struct_max_fdset
     FILE: net.c  LINE: 1117  FUNCTION: dump_sockets_workhorse()
[./crash] error trace: 80dca66 => 80ded3a => 80def30 => 810cab0
PID: 5489   TASK: d7b97000  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "crash"
  810cab0: OFFSET_verify+81
  80def30: dump_sockets_workhorse+164
  80ded3a: dump_sockets+80
  80dca66: cmd_net+418
net: invalid structure member offset: files_struct_max_fdset
     FILE: net.c  LINE: 1117  FUNCTION: dump_sockets_workhorse()

Interesting.  This will require the same type of changes that
are in open_files_dump() in filesys.c (lines 2129 - 2156), which
calculate the local max_fdset and max_fds variables.

The problems withe those commands are normal i think, the structures are not
supported in kernel 2.6?
kmem -la, -La, -li, -Li do not find active_list and inactive_list
irq -b
net -a

Correct.  Either the structures are not supported in 2.6, or
continued support of the option has been deprecated.

Thanks for the report -- and please join the list!

Dave Anderson