I was traveling today. Just got back. Sorry.

Its going to take a little while to iron out the bugs.
Cliff,  Micheal and other power users or sial, please interact directly with me while we make it through this debug period.
I'll respond as quick as I can but,  of course, the day job takes priority :)

Micheal, let's work this one offline.


----- Original Message ----
From: Dave Anderson <anderson@redhat.com>
To: holzheu@linux.vnet.ibm.com; "Discussion list for crash utility usage, maintenance and development" <crash-utility@redhat.com>; lucchouina@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 2:13:40 PM
Subject: Re: SIAL on s390

Michael Holzheu wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-09-26 at 10:03 -0400, Dave Anderson wrote:
>>Any results on or s390/s390x?
> I tried some of our s390 service scripts. It seems that sial in crash
> has some problems accessing kernel datatype information:
> We have the following code in one of our sial scripts:
> ...
>                 offset = offsetof(struct klist_node, n_node) +
>                          offsetof(struct device, knode_driver) +
>                          offsetof(struct subchannel, dev);
> crash> devices
> File /root/service/sial/devices.sial, line 171, Error: Unknown member
> name [n_node]
> But crash knows that "struct klist_node" has member n_node:
> crash> whatis klist_node
> struct klist_node {
>     struct klist *n_klist;
>     struct list_head n_node;
>     struct kref n_ref;
>     struct completion n_removed;
> }
> The same script works fine using lcrash.
> Michael

I've changed the subject, and forward this to Luc.

He seems to be absent today, or perhaps is ignoring
crash-utility email, or mail with the "crash version 4.0-4.7
is available" subject, or whatever.

In any case, with all sial-related queries, patches, etc.,
please also cc: your post to Luc's direct email address


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