I use crash8.0.4_arm64 to parse the ramdump of android15-k6.6, load the symbol of ko,
and disassemble the functions in ko through the "dis -lx" command.
I can get the assembly instructions, but I cannot get the corresponding assembly instructions. lines of source code.
The following error is reported when using the command
GNU_RESOLVE_TEXT_ADDR: returned via gdb_error_hook (1 buffer in use)
GNU_GET_FUNCTION_RANGE: returned via gdb_error_hook (1 buffer in use
I use the disassembly tool that comes with Android, such as objdump, to disassemble ko.
I can see the code lines corresponding to the functions in ko..
So, is this a problem with the gdb tool or is there something wrong with my ko symbol?
Thanks a lot.