Yes, unless you know another way to convert it to something crash can use.



On Oct 24, 2011 5:12 PM, "Dave Anderson" <> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
> Hello,
> I suspect the open source edition of vbox and the oracle non foss
> edition use the same format for the save state files (ram and device
> info dumps). The bulk of /proc/kcore equiv is in here, with other
> metadata. file(1) just whines this is data...
> If you have any information leading to use of this save state data
> with crash, please advise. I've scoured all the places I can think
> of. For better or worse, I'm not sure I can pull this off by using
> the ose code - it's just a bit too far above my head to know I'm
> making a reliable export of .sav files to kcore equiv outputs.
> Regards,
> Scott Edwards

VirtualBox .sav files are certainly not one of the dumpfile formats
recognized by the crash utility, if that's what you're asking?

Dave Anderson

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