You have to pass since this vmlinux is not debug enabled. I never used crash to analyze lkcd dumps, but as Dave said, it is possible. Otherwise why can't you use lcrash shipped in this distro since you are analyzing SLES9 dumps anyway.


Inactive hide details for "Ku, Eugene" ---03/05/2013 03:12:30 PM---"Ku, Eugene" <>"Ku, Eugene" ---03/05/2013 03:12:30 PM---"Ku, Eugene" <>

    "Ku, Eugene" <> 
    Sent by:

    03/05/2013 03:09 PM
    Please respond to
    "Discussion list for crash utility usage, maintenance and development" <>


    Dave Anderson <>, "Discussion list for crash utility usage, maintenance and development" <>


    "Ku, Eugene" <>


    Re: [Crash-utility] SLES 9 Dump

I tried again using kerntypes and it failed with a different error.

# /RedHat/crash-6.1.0-X86/crash vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp dump-pts02504 Kerntypes-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp
crash: cannot resolve "_stext"


-----Original Message-----
From: Ku, Eugene
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 6:04 PM
To: Dave Anderson
Cc: Ku, Eugene
Subject: RE: [Crash-utility] SLES 9 Dump


I rebuilt 6.1.0 crash as you had suggested.  

# file /RedHat/crash-6.1.0-X86/crash
/RedHat/crash-6.1.0-X86/crash: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped

I then ran it against the dump.  I got the following error messages.

# /RedHat/crash-6.1.0-X86/crash vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp dump-pts02504
crash: vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp: no debugging data available

I tried again with additional but got the same error.

# /RedHat/crash-6.1.0-X86/crash vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp dump-pts02504
crash: vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp: no debugging data available


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Anderson []
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 5:47 PM
To: Ku, Eugene
Cc: Discussion list for crash utility usage, maintenance and development
Subject: Re: [Crash-utility] SLES 9 Dump

----- Original Message -----
> Dave,
> On both RHEL 5.2 X64 and RHEL 5.5 X64, it showed:  (Additional
> argument such as does not make any difference.)
> # crash vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp dump-pts02504
> ...
> WARNING: machine type mismatch:
>          crash utility: X86_64
>          vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp: X86
> crash: vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp: not a supported file format

Right, as the message states, you're trying to analyze a 32-bit
x86 vmlinux/vmcore with the x86_64 version of the crash utility.

So just get the 32-bit x86 crash utility.  If you can't find
one, then you can try building one on your x86_64 host:

$ wget
$ cd crash-6.1.4
$ make target=X86
$ ./crash vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp dump-pts02504

If the build fails, you can wget the crash-6.1.4-0.src.rpm
file from the same location, and the rpmbuild -ba will alert
you to the additional packages you need.  


> On an RHEL 4.7 X86, it showed:
> # crash vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp dump-pts02504
> ...
> crash: vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp: no debugging data available
> # crash vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp dump-pts02504
> ...
> crash: vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp: no debugging data available
> # crash vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp dump-pts02504
> Kerntypes-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp
> ...
> crash: cannot resolve "_stext"
> Thanks.
> Eugene
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Anderson []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 5:22 PM
> To: Ku, Eugene
> Cc: Discussion list for crash utility usage, maintenance and
> development
> Subject: Re: [Crash-utility] SLES 9 Dump
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Dave,
> >
> > Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.
> >
> > I have tried different ways to start crash but none is working.  I
> > have downloaded kernel-bigsmp-2.6.5-7.321.i586.rpm from Novell to
> > match the version of the dump.  This package includes the following
> > files:
> >
> > config-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp
> > Kerntypes-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp     vmlinux-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp
> > symtypes-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp      vmlinuz-2.6.5-7.321-bigsmp
> > symvers-2.6.5-7.321-i386-bigsmp
> >
> > I don't believe Novell provides a kernel-debuginfo package for SLES
> > 9
> > or earlier version and I could not find it on their web site.
> >
> > What I have tried so far are all done on RHEL systems because SLES
> > 9
> > does not come with crash.  Do I need to run crash against an SLES
> > dump on a compatible SLES system?  A compatible system I mean the
> > same architecture.  When I tried it on RHEL X64, it complained
> > machine type mismatch.
> What is the mismatch error message?
> Dave

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