Itsuro ODA wrote:

This is an update for xen hypervisor analysis.
This patch is diff from crash-4.0-3.13.

Note that xen hypervisor analysis in the crash-4.0-3.13
works with a dump taken by before xen-unstable-12502.
The format of crash-notes saved in the xen hypervisor
changed at xen-unstable-12502 and xen-unstable-12733
(by Magnus).
This patch support both before 12502 and after 12502
and after 12733. (ie. all)

(support architecture: x86, x86_64)

Itsuro ODA <>

                                     Name: xencrash-4.0-3.13-0.3.patch.gz
   xencrash-4.0-3.13-0.3.patch.gz    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
                                 Encoding: base64


Great -- thanks!

I'll work on getting this into the next release.
