`objcopy --decompress-debug-sections vmlinux` could work, too.
Thank you lijiang!

lijiang <lijiang@redhat.com> 於 2024年5月23日 週四 下午3:29寫道:

On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 12:07 PM <devel-request@lists.crash-utility.osci.io> wrote:
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 01:28:12 -0000
From: jarvis0922@gmail.com
Subject: [Crash-utility] Re: crash8.0.5 cannot parse vmlinux compiled
        by google-A15-kernel6.6
To: devel@lists.crash-utility.osci.io
Message-ID: <20240523012812.12611.42286@lists.crash-utility.osci.io>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

> On Wed, May 22, 2024 at 3:26 PM <jarvis0922(a)gmail.com&gt; wrote:
> Hmm... Interesting. Frankly we don't have very strong motivation to
> move to a higher version of gdb for now. But I guess your case will
> increase the motivation. Have you tried
> https://github.com/liutgnu/crash-preview, which is integrated with a
> newer gdb. Does that work for you?

It can work for me with vmlinux with CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_COMPRESSED_ZSTD set
Hope it could be good motivation to upgrade gdb as it seems to be more common to have it set

Thanks for pointing out this issue. Can you help to check if it can work well for you as below? Just want to confirm if crash also works well without the latest embedded gdb.
1. objcopy --decompress-debug-sections vmlinux
2. crash vmlinux vmcore

If yes, at least it can parse the current vmlinux(with compressed debug info) until the new gdb grade is completed.



> Thanks,
> Tao Liu