Hello Dave,
I was using ‘kmem �p’ to get status of memory. And I could only get
"PAGE PHYSICAL MAPPING INDEX CNT FLAGS" in 2.6.x kernel and later, which
makes me feel the lack of information. So I think of displaying
‘page._mapcount’ and ‘page.private’, when using ‘kmem -p’.
When adding these two items, I found ‘page._count’ is declared to be
atomic_t whose definition is:
typedef struct {
volatile int counter;
} atomic_t;
However, current crash codes use UINT to get the value of ‘page._count’.
The first patch (0001-kmem_p_6.0.2.patch) is used to change UINT to INT,
and the second one (0002-kmem_p_6.0.2.patch) will add the items talked
above. Both patches are based on crash 6.0.2.
BTW, I have tested these two patches on RHEL6.2_x86_64, RHEL6.2_i386,
RHEL5.8_x86_64 and RHEL5.8_i386.
Qiao Nuohan