----- Original Message -----
>> First, just like some other contributors, I've come
across an issue
>> triggered by a dump being corrupt. In my case it's this code in
>> kernel.c:cpu_maps_init():
>> if (*maskptr & (0x1UL << c)) {
>> cpu = (i * BITS_PER_LONG) + c;
>> kt->cpu_flags[cpu] |= mapinfo[m].cpu_flag;
>> }
>> The mask is corrupt, making Crash believe there are more CPU's than the
>> four we have allocated space for in kernel.c:kernel_init. How do you
>> think this should be handled?
> Does the "crash --cpus <number> ..." command-line option work around
Nope, setting "--cpus 2" I still arrive at the code above with
(gdb) p/x *maskptr
$3 = 0x540dcebf
As you can see, it's not really a valid cpu mask. Either that or I'm
totally deluded as to the capabilities of the hardware CPU-wise =o)
Right, I understand that cpu_maps_init() will still be called, and that
kt->cpu_flags will be invalid. But then what happens?