==> Regarding Re: [Crash-utility] An other patch for command sig; Dave Anderson
<anderson(a)redhat.com> adds:
anderson> Olivier,
anderson> I believe both of your sig command patches are supposed to be the
anderson> same (?), but I cannot utilize either of them. I have
anderson> unsuccessfully tried to fix them, but for some reason, something
anderson> in your mailer (or mine?) is destroying parts of the patch. I
anderson> don't usually see this type of problem with other patch postings
anderson> to the crash-utility list, but whenever you send one, it
anderson> typically needs fixing up.
anderson> Can you send the sig patch file as an attached file, directly to
anderson> me?
anderson> Thanks, Dave
From the mail headers:
Content-Type: text/plain;
charset=ISO-8859-1; format="flowed"
Turn off the "flowed" formatting, Olivier. That should resolve the