----- "Anirudh Srinivasan" <srianirudh(a)gmail.com> wrote:
hello friends,
I was setting up netdump server in my workplace. I followed the
following procedure:
Server Configuration:
Verify that the netdump server is installed: rpm -q netdump-server .
If it is not installed, install it by running the command: up2date
netdump-server .
After the netdump server package is installed change the password for
the "netdump" user to something that you know: passwd netdump
Enable the netdump server: chkconfig netdump-server on
Start the netdump server: service netdump-server start
Client Configuration:
Verify that the netdump client is installed: rpm -q netdump . If it is
not installed, install it by running the command: up2date netdump .
Edit /etc/sysconfig/netdump and add the following line:
NETDUMPADDR= ** should be changed to the ip
address of the netdump server.
Enter the following command and give the netdump password when
prompted: service netdump propagate
Enable the netdump client: chkconfig netdump on
Start the netdump client: service netdump start
Now after doing this i get the following message:
# service netdump start
netdump: cannot arp <ipaddress>
netdump: cannot find <ipaddress>in arp cache
netdump: can't resolve <ipaddress> MAC address
netdump server address resolution [FAILED]
What could be the reason for this ? How could i solve this?
There's a couple other netdump masters on this list who can
hopefully help you out, but I'd start by taking a look at the
"print_address_info()" function in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/netdump
script. It does a traceroute of your configured netdump-server
IP to get the MAC address of the gateway if needed:
# the needed MAC address is directly associated with the host
# IP address only if client and server are on the same subnet
# if not, the needed MAC address is that of the gateway;
# either way, this will be the first IP address from traceroute
trc_output="$(traceroute -i $DEV -n -m 1 $host_ip 2> /dev/null)"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
trc_output="$(echo $trc_output | grep '^1 ' | awk '{print
for line in $trc_output; do mac_ip=$line; done
echo "$prog: cannot traceroute $host_ip on interface $DEV" 1>&2
And then based upon what it got back, the subsequent arping error
message that you're seeing is generated:
# If the server is on the same subnet as the client, but is currently
# offline, then the first hop will show up as our local address. This
# would not be a working setup, so we set mac_ip to the server ip.
localaddr=$(ip_of_device $DEV)
[ "mac_ip" = "$localaddr" ] && mac_ip=$host_ip
arping -c 1 -I $DEV $mac_ip &> /dev/null
[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "$prog: cannot arp $mac_ip on $DEV"
So you can do the traceroute and arping commands above yourself to find out
exactly where it's having a problem.