Maneesh Soni wrote:
On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 09:27:16AM -0500, Dave Anderson wrote:
> Don't really have one -- the prime function in keeping the crash utility
> alive is to keep up with kernel data-structure changes that break
> dependencies that crash has.
Yes, keeping crash up-to-date should be at the top of to-do list. But is
it OK to change "crash" for kernel code which is still in -mm, -rc,
-rt etc? Like current crash cannot open 2.6.16-mm1 kdump due to
pgdat_list related changes. Also, I think developers would like to see
crash working even with their developmental kernel. So just wondering
if there is any way to address this issue.
Post a patch? As long as it doesn't break backwards-compatibility,
and it addresses kernel changes that presumably will eventually make
it into the mainstream kernel, I don't have a problem with that.