----- Original Message -----
At 07/12/2018 02:23 AM, Dave Anderson wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> Hi Dave,
>>> At 07/11/2018 03:33 AM, Dave Anderson wrote:
>>>> The final phase of support would be making this work:
>>>> static int
>>>> x86_64_task_uses_5level(struct task_context *tc)
>>>> {
>>>> return FALSE;
>>>> }
>>>> Have you had a chance to look at how that can be done?
>>> I have no idea to check if 5level paging is used in User-space.
>>> You gave me some methods, and I have try:
>>> -The MAP_FIXED flag
>>> -check if the contents of the page directory or p4d is 'flods'
>> It would be most helpful if you can compare two tasks, one with 5-level
>> and one without, and see if there's anything obviously different.
>> (I don't know what "flods" means)
> Ah, sorry, you mean if the top-level page directory folds back into itself.
> So yes, I wonder if it would be obvious enough by checking whether the
> top-level pgd folds back into itself, and if so, 4-levels of page tables
> are in use? But if that were the case, it seems that the 5-level translation
> code would work on both types of user-space tasks. I just don't understand
> how it's supposed to work.
OK, let me try to clarify if the the 5-level translation code would work
on both types of user-space tasks at first. ;-)
Thank you so much for you kind explanation!
Hi Dou,
That leads me to this question: can you confirm that this crash patch
works with a kernel that is configured with CONFIG_X86_5LEVEL, but either:
(1) the kernel was booted with "no5lvl", or
(2) the host hardware does not have the X86_CR4_LA57 bit set