----- Original Message -----
Hello Dave,
While I am using 'kmem -p', I feel it is too slow, especially with a big
memory. So I modify something to improve the performance.
The patch is based on crash 6.0.2, and it has been tested on
RHEL6.2_x86_64, RHEL6.2_i386, RHEL5.8_x86_64 and RHEL5.8_i386.
Qiao Nuohan
This patch works pretty well -- the only thing I will change is that
the outputbuffer should be allocated/freed with GETBUF()/FREEBUF().
When you directly call malloc()/free(), and then any kind of fatal
error occurs, or if you enter CTRL-C before the command completes, then
the 1MB buffer would get leaked. Any buffer allocated with GETBUF()
is guaranteed to be freed by restore_sanity() prior to the next
command prompt. (FREEBUF() is never necessary, just good practice.)
I'll test this on a set of different kernels tonight.