Hi Georges,
On 2023/02/15 21:36, Aureau, Georges (Kernel Tools ERT) wrote:
For upstream crash, and this is more a general thought, what about ordering tests with
most recent kernel changes being tested first:
For example, in Lianbo's case, instead of:
- (STREQ(sp->name, "call_softirq") || STREQ(sp->name,
What about reversing the order of the tests:
+ (STREQ(sp->name, " do_softirq_own_stack") || STREQ(sp->name,
" call_softirq")))
As distros tend to move fast forward, ordering tests with most recent kernel changes
being tested first would make sense.
thank you for your comment, I really agree.
Seeing the crash code, there are already many cases where a new test has
been appended to the last else-if block, so I also tend to do the same
thing for code consistency and etc... but I don't think it's very good
especially in efficiency for recent kernels.
On the other hand, there is often a case where adding a new test first
will make the conditions complicated, e.g. when multiple symbols are
related and different in the version of their introduction.
But, generally I would like to place a new test first unless there are
big cons of doing that.